The Mix and Match Manhattan

The Mix and Match Manhattan
Rated 4.3 stars by 8 users
Prep Time
5 minutes
Twenty or thirty years ago the Manhattan was fit only for jazz players sitting imperiously at some 24-hour paper-placemat diner on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Sticky-sweet, with cheap vermouth, cloying bourbon, a dash of bitters, and a glop of nuclear-red maraschino cherry glowing at the bottom. All that has changed. The Manhattan is back! In a mix-and-match form, so you can choose your own happy hour adventure.
4 ounces rye whiskey
2 ounces sweet red vermouth
4 dashes toasted pecan bitters
4 dashes cardamom bitters
2 brandied cherries, for garnish
A pinch of Pinot Noir Fleur de Sel (optional)
Pour everything but the cherry over ice in a chilled mixing glass.
Stir for 15 seconds, then strain into chilled coupe glasses. Garnish with the cherries.
Optional: Rim your coupe glass with a little Pinot Noir Fleur de Sel.
Recipe Note
Recipe adapted from Mark Bitterman's Bitterman’s Field Guide to Bitters & Amari.
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