Chocolate as it was back in the day: Simple and pure. Only two ingredients ground together in Soma's vintage melangeur- no further processing, refining or conching Partially ground cocoa nibs and whole crystals of organic cane sugar provide an entirely unique crumbly almost cookie-like texture. Old School all the way.
Somaâs first space was in a tiny corner of a former whisky distillery. They started off roasting and winnowing cacao beans, refining and conching their own chocolate, spinning gelato, baking cookies, making hot chocolates, and producing a line of truffles. (whew!) A small retail portion would fold out during the day, and like a transformer, fold back in at night. It was here that they started meeting a community of very interesting folks with a healthy appetite for great chocolate.
What does SOMA mean?
Soma in Sanskrit means âfood of the Godsâ By coincidence, Theobroma Cacao which is the Latin name for the cacao tree also means â food of the Godsâ
In Aldous Huxleyâs novel, âBrave New Worldâ Soma was the substance that kept everyone in a constant state of bliss. Soma is also referenced in the Rig Veda as being the mysterious plant used to achieve nirvana. To date there is much speculation but no clear consensus on the exact identity of the plant.
Tasting Notes: Inter-galactic dark chocolate torte
Origin: Madagascar
Ingredients: Organic cacao nibs, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter
Net weight: 3.1oz / 90-100g
Made in Toronto, Canada!
We pick, pack and ship orders around the clock. Holiday Processing Time: Most orders will be processed within 4 business days of receipt. Many orders are shipping sooner than that! Please note orders are not processed or shipped on weekends or holidays.
We are happy to ship every package with recyclable or compostable materials. We also include a complimentary sweet bite in each order :-)