King Floyd's approached this classic Bitter a little differently than our Aromatic and Cardamom Bitters, our Orange Bitter is a wee bit sweeter on the palate. We made our Orange bitter to be zesty and strong with a touch of sweet and mild spice background.
We recommend pairing King Floyd's Orange Bitters with whiskey and rum cocktails or add to an Old Fashioned and your spirits will be lifted. Martinis, daiquiris and margaritas also benefit from the citrus note a dash or two of our delicious Orange bitter imparts in the cocktail.
Tasting notes: Zesty and mildly sweet with hints of gingerbread.
Shanghi Martini:
Shake ice with 1.5oz Gin, splash of dry vermouth.
Add a couple dashes of King FloydâĂĂ´s Orange Bitters.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish with a twist of Orange.
Ingredients: Mountain Spring Water, Organic Alcohol, Organic Bitter Orange and other secret herbs & spices.